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15 December








印度最高公署位于Grange Road,是一座上了年纪的英式小楼。接待签证申请的工作时间是上午九点到十一点半,进门先拿号,排队把材料交给签证官。我告诉他我行程的最后一站是去锡金参加友人的婚礼,因此需要锡金特别通行证。他扬了扬眉毛,大概是表示对我旅行计划的赞赏,递给我一张电传申请单叫我填。这是用来把申请材料电传回德里审批的,所有的信息都已经涵盖于我早已填妥的签证申请表,现在又得多填一遍。完事之后交给他,他叫我去账房付二十块钱电传费,然后在出发前一天上午带着护照 来申请签证。


二十七号上午我去申请签证,签证官(我觉得他该叫Visa I/O Officer,而德里的则是Visa CPU Officer)告知我已经顺利通过了,再次问我行程。我说我得最大限度地利用这宝贵的十四天,会在二十八号出发,十二月十一号离开印度。他数了半天,说 这样不行,因为签证从当天算起,第十四天应该是十二月十日。我这才意识到这劳什子的签证不是从入境日开始算的,寥寥十四天又凭空少了一天。我赶忙说我的机 票已经订好了,问他是不是可以通融。他倒也爽快,说多给我一天。这次让利是我没有预期到的,自然要穷追猛打。于是我又说背包旅行不确定性很大,万一哪儿没赶上车,整个行程全得朝后推,然后问他可不可以再多给我点缓冲的时间,他稍一迟疑,说那我给你二十天,一直到十七号吧。

没想到信手讨价还价一番居然带来了如此丰厚的利润,是谁说跟印度人谈判没有好果子吃来着?可惜我十二月十三号得赶回新加坡演出,否则大可以利用这从天而降的六天时间多去两三个地方。最后,我再次体会到:一切由人操作的系统都是弹性的,必须要稳扎稳打、步步为营地 追求利益最大化。

看起来签证经历到此结束,没有碰到什么风浪,其实不然。当天下午四点多我拿到签证,没怎么看就赶回家打包去 了,第二天坐在飞机上翻看护照,正琢磨着签证页已经用完,该换本新的了,突然发现这张印度签证上没有用英语标出锡金通行证。我安慰自己:也许拿印地语写着,也许印度政府已经知会锡金边防站了,也就没有采取任何措施,结果在锡金边境吃了闭门羹。


To: High Commissioner,

India High Commission

31 Grange Road

Singapore 239702

Subject: Complaint on visa application processing – Sikkim Permit

Dear Sir,

I am a Chinese citizen living in Singapore as a permanent resident.  I feel obliged to write this letter to complain about the way the India High Commission processed my application for Sikkim permit.

On October 22, 2003 my wife and I filed an application for tourist visa as well as special permit to Gangtok, Sikkim, hometown of my Indian friend xxx (who is an Indian citizen and a Singapore PR) who invited us to attend his wedding on December 8, 2003.  We attached his invitation letter to the application form. We specified our destination on the form as well as to your visa officer in person. The officer pleasantly told us that there should be no problem and informed us to fetch the visa and permit on November 27.

We collected the visa on that day and left for Delhi on November 28.  On December 6 we arrived at the Rangpo Checkpoint between Sikkim and West Bengal, but were rudely told by the local officers that the India visa we held didn’t bear any permit to Sikkim.  Furthermore, he claimed that nationals from Pakistan and China are not entitled to such permit, therefore refused to grant us one on site.

As a result, we failed to enter Sikkim, missed Mr. xxx’s wedding, which was the main purpose of our trip, and our pleasant India tour was severely spoilt in the end.

Now I request explanation from you for the following two questions:

1.  Is it true that Chinese nationals are not entitled to obtain Sikkim permit.  If it is, why didn’t the India High Commission inform us when we applied for it?

2.  What happened to our application for Sikkim permit?  Did you forget to grant us the permits, or did you reject our application.  In the latter case, why didn’t you inform us?

Your instant reply is expected.


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